Month: November 2022

  • Bitcoin is… by Michael

    Bitcoin is… by Michael

    “Bitcoin is many things but most importantly it is a mechanism that, for those who have experienced it, strips away all of the layers and pretence.”

  • Momentum Meditations starts this Sunday

    Momentum Meditations starts this Sunday

    We start the December MM already on 27th November to be able to finish before all the festivities around Christmas. Sign up by contacting

  • Proof of God by Tomer Strolight

    Proof of God by Tomer Strolight

    This inspiring, mind-opening piece by Tomer speaks for itself. Connect to your node on the creation network!

  • Idea  Creations and Inner Programs with Seb Bunney

    Idea Creations and Inner Programs with Seb Bunney

    Sama and Seb discuss the difference between inner and outer sources of data which we can contemplate to connect dots and create models of understandings, concepts that we can share with others and use to improve our life. We also talk about building a false sense of self out of ideas that we adapt to…

  • Sama Solo Series: Unconditional Love

    Sama Solo Series: Unconditional Love

    From Sama Katharo: “Every once in a while I feel inspired to just sit down and talk directly to the undefined group of listeners of this podcast. This time it turned into a guided meditation on the topic of unconditional love. How will ‘society’ look like when we transition more and more out of fear…

  • Sovereign Soul Series: Karma and Inherited Traumas

    Sovereign Soul Series: Karma and Inherited Traumas

    In this first session Caleb, Matt, and Sama cover topics like fate, synchronicities, triggers, life beyond the rational mind, forks of Bitcoin vs forks of humanity, inherited traumas, fear programming, humanities unconscious assumptions, karma and new possibilities.