Month: April 2024

  • Internal Ownership

    Internal Ownership

    Remember to Breath | Issue No. 17 | Author: Caleb Hello Sovereign Nodes! I keep finding myself running through these deep thought trains, working through contradictions, building models and tearing them down. For a person listening to me, these rants can be rather confusing (sorry especially to my wife lol), and I find that it…

  • A short story about every”thing”

    A short story about every”thing”

    Remember to Breath | Issue No. 16 | Author: Caleb Hello Sovereign Nodes! I find that when I sit down to write many of my pieces that I require a model to the deepest layers of understanding of – well, everything. It might be some old distortions telling me that I need to cover all…

  • Astrology of the 2024 Halving

    Remember to Breath | Issue No. 15 | Author: Caleb It has been an exciting week in the Decentralized Consciousness community Telegram group. The energy of this week has brought in many new nodes and some amazing new expansions. Among the new members is Ayu Sophia, who only recently became a Bitcoiner in the past…

  • Bitcoin, Magic Internet Money Allows Us to Claim Magical Child within

    Bitcoin, Magic Internet Money Allows Us to Claim Magical Child within

    Remember to Breath | Issue No. 14 | Author: Nozomi Hayase This article was originally published by Nozomi Hayase on her Substack on March 22, 2024, thank you Nozomi for letting us share it here! — Think about a time when you were a child. How did your experience of life differ from your current…