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Erik talks with me about the opportunity and responsibility we have to sort out the money, ourselves and the world for the coming generations in a way that our parents and grandparents did not do. We also talk about his psychedelic experiences in the spirit world and how the role of god can be seen in different ways. How the fall from force and authority can lead to a dark age or a light age and many more topics were covered in this inspiring conversation.
You can find Erik on twitter: https://twitter.com/Erikcason and his blog: https://cryptosovereignty.org/
You can find Sama Katharo here: https://twitter.com/SamaKatharo
Website on Tor: http://7enejnk4rowwioqe6ljwmsptehmmmjy2wfrlsyilzyqejc2cdcucdqqd.onion
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