Remember to Breath | Issue No. 10 | Author: Caleb
Hello Decentralized Consciousness,
For those of you who are coming over from Sama’s Substack – welcome! Remember to Breathe is your weekly portal to building momentum in spiritual growth, which just so happens to be the subject of today’s newsletter.
Coming back together after a year of separation
This coming Sunday, March 10th kicks off another month of momentum meditations since April of 2023. This effort is lead by Sama Katharo, and may feature various other facilitators from the community.
A lot has happened since the last round of momentum meditations almost 12 months ago, and personally I cannot wait to see what is in store this round. In 2023, the community as a whole experienced much expansion, contraction and shedding of unnecessary patterns. Many of us experienced this as a season of darkness. The immense growth that has resulted gives an entirely new perspective and power as we come back together once again for this round of node activation.
Momentum Meditations – What are they?
If you are new to the concept, Sama has described Momentum Meditations on this page, and below you will find outlined my description and experience with Momentum Meditations.
Sama hosted several rounds of momentum meditations in 2022 and 2023, of which I took part it most. Overall, I found each round and the individual sessions within uniquely powerful. There was not a repeat of a single session or the things explored therein; every one was explored completely in flow in each present moment.
To me, the concept of a momentum meditation is quite simple – it is an opportunity to hold oneself accountable to returning to a higher consciousness on a regular basis, outside of his or her regular spiritual practices. Leveraging the exponential collective power of one another’s nodes, we use these dedicated time/space events to explore things we might never find in solitude.
Why momentum?
In my experience, finding and releasing old patterns can be both painful, joyous, or just plane confusing. Our bodies can malfunction temporarily as a way of removing these things, as can the reality that we call our life. In these times of strong emotion and breaking down realities, it can be extremely easy to fall back into old patterns, lose our presence, and re-ossify the old distortions.
A “series” of meditations as a group of nodes helps to keep us moving forward no matter how reality shifts around us. This happens on a vibrational level – just like a snowball, every node is committed to rolling down the hill with the others. It also happens on a physical (or in this case digital) level. The members of the momentum meditation group use one another for support, reaching out via text or voice message whenever they feel profound shifts – however painful or exciting they are.
If this sounds even remotely interesting to you, I highly recommend joining the Telegram group and coming to the first meditation on Sunday at 3 pm EST / 9 pm ECT / 7 am AEDT (the next day). The cost is completely value4value, and there is no commitment to attend any of the following meditations. Come give it a try, I look forward to seeing you there!
From my node to yours,

Multi-Dimensional Activation Series with Sama: Introduction
In this series Sama takes the listener on journeys through his multidimensional landscape. Each episode is improvised in flow, whatever comes through in the time/space coordinates. Sama is exploring these areas together with the listeners and welcomes feedback.
In this episode Sama describes the background to this calling and then channels two guests of different frequencies.
Listen on or your favorite podcast app.

Momentum Meditations – March 2024
Mark your calendars, Momentum Meditations are back starting March 10th!
Join via the Telegram link here.
For more details, visit the Momentum Meditations Page here.
Facilitator of the Week

Sama Katharo is the anonymous founder of Bitcoin Consciousness and Decentralized Consciousness including a podcast, articles, website and community. Sama has explored his own and others energy bodies through multidimensional research since the millennia shift.
Sama works with whatever presents itself to him as each timeframe of experience is unique, and he leans in to the flow that guides us through all timeframes that we co-create.
Book a session by reaching out:
Twitter / Telegram: @SamaKatharo
Nostr: npub10aq80hms7p75rkfr0jqdg3u286sxpw6zsqa8ktnr6w3z38t4jkxsk77rgj
Want to learn more? Check out all of the facilitators and their profiles here
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