Exponential Power and Embracing Darkness with Thursday

Remember to Breath | Issue No. 7 | Author: Caleb

This episode marks the inauguration of a new season of the Decentralized Consciousness podcast! We have some powerful and life-changing vibrations coming this season, and are so excited for you to be a part of it.

Today we are sitting at the fire with Caleb and Thursday in a node to node (soul to soul) flow about the exponential power of connecting with others through unconditional love. Sit back, relax, and enjoy with neutrality this expansive conversation.

I have to be completely honest in that I didn’t remember much of this conversation but how powerful it was. Thursday and I discussed everything from time/space illusions to the educational system. One particular direction that I did not expect to go was the feeling of unconditional love for darkness (or yes, “evil”).

Listen to the episode now by visiting the link here, or find it in your favorite podcast app, such as Fountain.

From our nodes to yours,

Caleb and Thursday

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